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lördag 01 februari 2025

Använda CRC 6-66 istället för specific motorkonservering?

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Undrar om det går lika bra att spraya in CRC 6-66 i förgasaren (utombordare 2-takt) för konservering som att köpa "riktig" konserveringsspray? anledningen är så enkel att det närmaste varuhuset har enbart CRC 6-66.

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1 timme sedan skrev PatrikL85:


Undrar om det går lika bra att spraya in CRC 6-66 i förgasaren (utombordare 2-takt) för konservering som att köpa "riktig" konserveringsspray? anledningen är så enkel att det närmaste varuhuset har enbart CRC 6-66.

Tvåtaktsbränslet innehåller redan olja. Vill du ha extra olja kan du ju dra ut choken de sista sekunderna troligen storknar motorn av sig själv.

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7 timmar sedan skrev Rascal:

Tvåtaktsbränslet innehåller redan olja. Vill du ha extra olja kan du ju dra ut choken de sista sekunderna troligen storknar motorn av sig själv.

Absolut, men räcker det? I dom ”vinterkonserveringsguiderna” som finns så rekommenderar dom att man ska spruta ”motorkonservering” in i förgasaren innan motorn självdör av bränslebrist. 


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Jag vill säga att det tror jag går bra. MEN det er viktigt att inte detta du använder som fogging oil blir utspädd i bensin. Oavsett vilken olja/spray du använder.

Gör så här;

Fogging the Engine

After warming the engine up, turn it off and hook up the winterizing kit to the motor flusher, in place of your garden hose. The cowling should be removed, so you have access to the air intakes on the front of the engine. (Note: Newer Johnson/Evinrude engines have a Maintenance Valve, and CRC’s Engine Stor® Fogging Oil has an adapter that fits these.) Start the engine up again, open the valve to the tank of the winterizing kit, and watch the antifreeze level drop in the tank. You should begin to see antifreeze discharging from the exhaust.


When the tank is nearly empty, begin spraying fogging oil into the carburetor. This will usually cause lower-horsepower engines to stall, while higher horsepower engines may cough and sputter, but continue running while emitting white smoke. Spray a good amount of fogging oil through the intake and then disconnect the fuel line from the engine, and continue spraying fogging oil into the engine until the engine dies. Usually the engine will run rough and emit white smoke just before it dies.

Giving it a good dose of fogging oil will apply an anticorrosive coating to the interior surfaces of the cylinders. Letting the engine run out of fuel burns up all of the fuel from the carburetors, preventing the formation of varnish deposits from evaporating gasoline. If you have an EFI engine, the process is a little different. Put an ounce of 2-cycle outboard engine oil in the fuel-water separator, and then run the engine briefly to coat the internal components.


You can also fog the engine, if you’ve completely emptied your fuel system, by individually removing each spark plug, spraying fogging oil into each hole, and then rotating the prop by hand (with the engine in gear) to spread the oil around the cylinders. Since you’re removing the plugs, now is a good time to check their condition, re-gap them and replace if necessary.


Redigerad av AlfaAlfa

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