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måndag 17 februari 2025

Inkörning ny motor, ska man bry sig?

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Nu stoppar jag i en ny motor


Jag har hört och läst olika om hur man ska köra in.


Hur har ni gjort och hur mycket olja drar den nu?

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inombordare? utombordare? bensin? diesel?



Mercruiser 4,3, inombordare.

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inombordare? utombordare? bensin? diesel?



Mercruiser 4,3, inombordare.


Mycket viktigt att du kör in kamaxel och lyftare. Starta upp och direkt så lägger du den på 2000 rpm i ca 20 min. Men du kan stänga av motor om du vill under de 20 min som krävs för att kamaxel och lyftare skall bli inkörda men  ingen tomgångskörning. När du har kört in kamaxel kan du ge dig ut på sjön och köra med varierande gas så kolvringarna får slita in sig men ingen tomgångskörning eller fullgaskörning. Gjorde detta på en V8 jag renoverade men där brukade jag en sämre mineraloja pga av att kolvringarna slits fortare in än när man använder en toppkvalitetsolja. Byte av olja 3ggr innan det blev en bättre olja i motorn ca 20 mil mellan oljebytena. Tillägger att denna motorn sitter i bil. Denna motorn tar inte någon olja alls. Hoppas detta kan vara till nytta.

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Har du en fabriksny motor. Så är det ingen jättegrej med inkörningen.

Motortillverkare idag, kör motorn i testrigg en stund med en förprogramerad effektkurva.

Dels så kollar de motorvärderna så de är korrekta. Samt kör in motorn.

Så häng i, kolla försiktigt att installationen fungerar med kylsystem mm.

Sedan är det bara att tuta i mistluren och köra. Dock är ett tidigt olja och filter byte inte fel

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inombordare? utombordare? bensin? diesel?



Hade du nåt att tillföra eller skulle du bara vara duktig?

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Ber om ursäkt, skulle ha svarat dig men det kom tyvärr annat i vägen.



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Detta hittade jag på PCM sida, samma skrot i botten?


The break-in period of your engine is the fi rst 25 hours

of operation. Proper engine break-in is essential to

achieve maximum performance, longevity and minimum

oil consumption. During the break-in period, the

following operation guidelines must be adhered to:


• After the engine is thoroughly warmed up, and

the boat is underway, open the throttle to wide

open throttle until maximum RPM is reached. DO


cease climbing after 10 to 20 seconds).


DO NOT operate at full throttle in neutral at any time,

or at sustained full throttle during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation. Thereafter, use sustained wide open

throttle in the event of an emergency.


Reduce the throttle to 2800 - 3000 RPM, and

cruise at or below this speed for 1/2 hour.

Reduce the speed to idle. Go to wide open

throttle until maximum RPM is reached and

operate for approximately 1 minute. Reduce

throttle to 2800-3000 RPM and operate for a few

minutes. (Bringing the engine speed from idle to

wide open throttle will load the engine and assist

in seating the piston rings). This cycle should be

repeated from time to time during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation, but wide open throttle should not be

sustained for more than 1 minute.


• During the remaining 20 hours of break in period,

the engines can be run at cruise speeds that are

approximately 75-80% of the wide open throttle

RPM, occasionally varying the cruise speed by

100 RPM.


• During the early part of the break in period, the

correct propeller selection can be confi rmed.

(With a normal load aboard, the engine’s RPM

should reach, but not exceed, the maximum RPM

as listed in the specifi cations section).


• During the break in, all gauges should be

watched carefully, and the speed should be

reduced if abnormal readings become evident.

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Detta hittade jag på PCM sida, samma skrot i botten?


The break-in period of your engine is the fi rst 25 hours

of operation. Proper engine break-in is essential to

achieve maximum performance, longevity and minimum

oil consumption. During the break-in period, the

following operation guidelines must be adhered to:


• After the engine is thoroughly warmed up, and

the boat is underway, open the throttle to wide

open throttle until maximum RPM is reached. DO


cease climbing after 10 to 20 seconds).


DO NOT operate at full throttle in neutral at any time,

or at sustained full throttle during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation. Thereafter, use sustained wide open

throttle in the event of an emergency.


Reduce the throttle to 2800 - 3000 RPM, and

cruise at or below this speed for 1/2 hour.

Reduce the speed to idle. Go to wide open

throttle until maximum RPM is reached and

operate for approximately 1 minute. Reduce

throttle to 2800-3000 RPM and operate for a few

minutes. (Bringing the engine speed from idle to

wide open throttle will load the engine and assist

in seating the piston rings). This cycle should be

repeated from time to time during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation, but wide open throttle should not be

sustained for more than 1 minute.


• During the remaining 20 hours of break in period,

the engines can be run at cruise speeds that are

approximately 75-80% of the wide open throttle

RPM, occasionally varying the cruise speed by

100 RPM.


• During the early part of the break in period, the

correct propeller selection can be confi rmed.

(With a normal load aboard, the engine’s RPM

should reach, but not exceed, the maximum RPM

as listed in the specifi cations section).


• During the break in, all gauges should be

watched carefully, and the speed should be

reduced if abnormal readings become evident.

Det var ju nästan som jag skrev. Eller? :-)

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Detta hittade jag på PCM sida, samma skrot i botten?


The break-in period of your engine is the fi rst 25 hours

of operation. Proper engine break-in is essential to

achieve maximum performance, longevity and minimum

oil consumption. During the break-in period, the

following operation guidelines must be adhered to:


• After the engine is thoroughly warmed up, and

the boat is underway, open the throttle to wide

open throttle until maximum RPM is reached. DO


cease climbing after 10 to 20 seconds).


DO NOT operate at full throttle in neutral at any time,

or at sustained full throttle during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation. Thereafter, use sustained wide open

throttle in the event of an emergency.


Reduce the throttle to 2800 - 3000 RPM, and

cruise at or below this speed for 1/2 hour.

Reduce the speed to idle. Go to wide open

throttle until maximum RPM is reached and

operate for approximately 1 minute. Reduce

throttle to 2800-3000 RPM and operate for a few

minutes. (Bringing the engine speed from idle to

wide open throttle will load the engine and assist

in seating the piston rings). This cycle should be

repeated from time to time during the fi rst 5 hours

of operation, but wide open throttle should not be

sustained for more than 1 minute.


• During the remaining 20 hours of break in period,

the engines can be run at cruise speeds that are

approximately 75-80% of the wide open throttle

RPM, occasionally varying the cruise speed by

100 RPM.


• During the early part of the break in period, the

correct propeller selection can be confi rmed.

(With a normal load aboard, the engine’s RPM

should reach, but not exceed, the maximum RPM

as listed in the specifi cations section).


• During the break in, all gauges should be

watched carefully, and the speed should be

reduced if abnormal readings become evident.

Det var ju nästan som jag skrev. Eller? :-)

Med TS nonchalanta inledning om han behöver bry sig om inkörningen skulle jag svara att det kanske den första ägaren inte heller gjorde, därför står han nu med ett byte? Men jag vill ju inte vara otrevlig, men som efterkommande köpare till en sådan båt tycker jag det är viktigt med en sådan banal sak som att köra in motorn så lager slits in rätt och att man byter olja och filter på utsatta intervaller. Men alla är vi ju olika.

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Men hur ska jag göra Pseudonym, anser du, vem är TS förresten?

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TS är du trådskaparen




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Aha, nu fattar jag, TS = trådskapare, du tycker att jag är nonchalant. Hade jag varit det hade jag inte ställt frågan ju. Jag är mycket intresserad av att göra rätt.


Min inledning kanske var lite för utmanande, det ber jag om ursäkt för, men det finns flera teorier kring detta därav frågan.


I motorleveransen finns det beskrivningar som är helt annorlunda mot t.ex. Motomans "drive it hard" beskriver.

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För övrigt är jag mycket mån om mina bilar och motorcyklar, däremot så vet jag inte effekterna de olika inkörngsteorierna, har inte behövt byta motor tidigare.

Jag byter olja och filter tätare än rekommenderade intervaller, lyssnar mycket på motorns ljud efter eventuella avvikelser.

Det min första inombordare, därför letar jag svar här.


Återigen, Ursäkta den utmanande rubriksättningen!

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