artsimons 0 Postad 13 Oktober , 2010 Hej! I'm a British freelance writer based in Åre and am looking for a crewing place on Gotlandrunt 2011, for an article that will appear in a British sailing magazine. I know it is early but I need something to look forward to during the long winter months! Ideally it would be more of a cruising boat so I can take the crusing sailor goes racing angle. I'm an experienced cruiser but have never done anything like this, so I would be willing to take part in nay training that you require. Please have a look at Tack! Dela detta inlägg Länk till inlägg Dela på andra webbplatser
Eilean 3 Postad 13 Oktober , 2010 I suggest you get in touch with the people at Dela detta inlägg Länk till inlägg Dela på andra webbplatser
sunerotting 1 Postad 13 Oktober , 2010 I suggest you get in touch with the people at Jäkar sombody got first befor me´ . :-( Dela detta inlägg Länk till inlägg Dela på andra webbplatser
Niclas_swe 1 Postad 14 Oktober , 2010 We might have an open spot for ARC 2011. Dela detta inlägg Länk till inlägg Dela på andra webbplatser