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lördag 01 mars 2025

Mercury 7,5

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Har en 7,5 hk -85-86 års mod.

Får den inte att gå efter en värmenypning med endast små obetydliga repor på kolven Inget i Cyl.

bytt stift

bränslepumps memb sitter rätt enl skiss

Ny bensin

ingen skit i förg


Blir tokig snart...

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Är det ordentligt komp i motorn min 9kg?

Om inte hona ur cylindrarna och byt kolvringar, du kan även byta packboxar till vevaxeln när ändå motorn är isärtagen.


Är det gnista?



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Startar den inte ens?

Kommer det bensin till förgasaren?

Har du gnista på stiftet?

Har du skruvat nåt på luftskruven på förgasaren?

Kolla om du hittar nåt matnyttigt i manualen (PDF) till Merc 7,5 hk (1982, den anda jag hitta):





Senast ändrad av bossee | 28 juli 2007 | 19:52

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Kollade i en lite nyare verkstadshandbok (1998) till Mercury 8 hk och så här skriver de, kanske kan sätta dig på spåret vad dom är fel med din 7,5 hk:


Problem: Engine Turns Over but Will Not Start or Starts Hard When Cold

Problem: Engine Idles Rough and Stalls.

Problem: Engine Runs Uneven or Surges.

Problem: Engine Will Not Accelerate.


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Improper starting procedure used.

Review starting procedure as outlined in “Operation and Maintenance Manual.”


2. Fuel tank empty or too low. Improperly mixed fuel.

Contaminants (water,dirt, etc.) in fuel.

Check fuel in tank and replace or add whichever is necessary.


3. Fuel tank air vent closed or restricted.

Check air vent on fuel tank. Air vent must be open all-the-way and free from any contaminants.


4. Pinched, cut, restricted fuel line or loose fuel line connection.

Inspect all fuel lines and replace as needed. Tighten fuel line connections.


5. Dirty or restricted fuel filter.

Inspect and replace or clean all fuel filters.


6. Choke solenoid or enrichment valve not operating.

Inspect solenoid or valve and wiring. Replace as required.


7. Needle and seat in carburetor that is either stuck open (flooding) or closed (no fuel).

Refer to carburetor disassembly in this section.


8. Improper carburetor jet, restricted jet or idle mixture screw out of adjustment.

Refer to carburetor adjustments in this section.


9. Improper float level.

Refer to carburetor adjustments in this section.


10. Low fuel pump pressure.

Disassemble and inspect fuel pump components.


11.Defective anti-siphon valve.

Inspect valve and/or test engine without valve in fuel system.


12. Improperly mixed fuel. Contaminants(water, dirt, etc.) in fuel.

Check fuel in tank and replace if necessary.


13. Carburetor loose on intake manifold.

Check tightness of carburetor nuts.


14. Reed block loose or gasket defective.

Using a pressure oil can, apply 2-cycle oil around reed block housing/crankcase housing matching surfaces and carburetor base. If engine RPM changes, tighten bolts/nuts or replace gaskets as required.


15. Improperly routed or restricted bleed hose(s).

Refer to bleed hose routing in “Powerhead” section.


16. Damaged fuel pump diaphragm.

Disassemble and inspect fuel pump components.


17. Carburetor mixing chamber cover leaking air.

Tighten screws or replace gasket.


18. Off idle holes plugged.

Blow with compressed air.


19. Main nozzle or idle nozzle air bleed holes plugged.

Blow with compressed air.


20. Damaged reeds. Refer to Section 4 for reed inspection.


21. Fuel pick-up outlet tube in fuel tank cracked.



22. Wrong spark plug or improper spark plug gap

Install correct plug or readjust gap.


23. Improper spark timing. Reset timing to correct specifications.


24. Enrichener diaphragm leaking

Replace diaphragm


Problem: Engine Floods


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Dirt or debris are preventing inlet needle from seating.

Flush out inlet seat and clean inlet needle.


2. Worn inlet needle.



3. Punctured float



4. Incorrect float setting

Reset float.


Problem: Engine Runs Too Rich


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Fuel level too high.

Reset float to correct level.


2. Carburetor floods. See preceding “Engine Floods.”


3. Idle nozzle air holes plugged.

Blow out with compressed air.


4. Restricted air flow.

Inspect cowl air inlet and carburetor for obstructions.


5. Main fuel jet loose.

Retighten jet.


Problem: Fuel Blowback Out of Carburetor

Problem: Unable to Reduce Engine RPM to Slow Idle


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Chipped or broken reeds on reed block.

Replace reeds.


Problem: Rough Idle


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Excessive preload on reeds.

Replace reeds.


Problem: Engine Runs Too Lean


Possible Cause

Corrective Action


1. Carburetor is loose. Air leaks past mixing chamber cover.

Tighten bolts securely. Tighten cover or replace gasket.


2. Fuel level is too low.

Reset float level.


3. Clogged high speed jet.

Inspect jet for varnish or debris and clean.


4. Restricted fuel flow to carburetor.

Check fuel lines and filter(s) for restricted flow.


5. Incorrect high speed jet.

Refer to main jet chart and replace with proper jet.


6. Idle mixture set too lean.

Adjust to run richer (turn idle mix screw counterclockwise).


7. Air leakage into fuel system.

Inspect fuel line connections, hose clamps, fuel pump and fuel outlet tube (located in fuel tank) for´ loose fittings.


8. Anti-siphon valve restricting fuel flow.

Inspect valve and/or test engine without valve in fuel system.


Pust... det blev en del det där...




Senast ändrad av bossee | 28 juli 2007 | 20:52

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Kompen är jämn på båda cyl.

vet inte kg,Min comp prov ritar utslaget på ett papper, men jag vet inte vad det är graderat med för värde/storhet.


Packboxarna är bytta.

Den gick fint till den värmenöp ,pga impeller, slut.


Tack för alla bra svar!

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Kompen ligger på 8kg på båda cyl.

Har rivit igen och satt ihop men inget fel hittades nu heller.

provade med dubbla packningar på pump membranet (en på var sida) så det kan slå mer men ingen skilnad. :(

Går igång lätt på choke men stannar om man inte parerar hela tiden med choken.


Nytt membran

nya stift

nya packboxar


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