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måndag 03 februari 2025

*Tips från Båtmässan*

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Hej Lasse!

Sorry, jag missade dig i fredags. I vilken monter hittade du propellern? Jag tar en ny repa nu på fredag..

Som till allt annat nytt får jag väl säga tja det skall bli intressant att se vilket genomslag det blir!/mvh/Nitro

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Det ser ut som om man missar en del bladarea i det område som bladen går över i den skyddande ringen.
Den skyddande ringen känns mer som en utsmyckning. Den blir nog rejält skadad om man kommer i några knop och stöter i en sten. Det blir nog oxå ett rejält ryck i sidled i motorn eftersom denna mer fastnar än slår i som en normal propeller gör.

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Möjligtvis för vattenskidåkare annars finns väl ingen anledning.


På svenska sidan läser jag minimerar skador vid kontakt och tror väl som de flesta att det handlar om proppskador. På den Amerikanska kommer sen förklaringen. Alltså, vad är felet med detta land? Ingen där som hört nåt om eget ansvar.


U.S. Supreme Court ruling

The dangers of open-bladed propellers and the likely legal implications were spelt out in a December 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling which overturned the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971. The Act in effect vested boat safety in the hands of the U.S. Coast Guard which determined there was no need for guards to be fitted to propellers.

This decision was used by the major outboard engine and boat manufacturers to successfully defend the personal injury and death lawsuits resulting from prop-strike. That was until the Sprietsma case. Jeanne Sprietsma died when she fell overboard and was struck by a propeller in 1995. Her husband sued Mercury saying the propeller was inherently dangerous because it had no propeller guard, and Mercury was ultimately responsible. The case was dismissed in Illinois with Mercury successfully arguing that the state law was pre-empted by the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971.

However, the December 02 Supreme Court decision has thrown the case back to Illinois, ordering a jury trial -- a scenario that has to raise major concerns with the OEMs such as Mercury, Yamaha and Honda. The likelihood that a sympathetic jury will decide in favour of Sprietsma will open the floodgates of litigation - both past and future. The resulting damages suggests major increases in insurance rates to the engine and boat manufacturers and to the millions of pleasure power-boat owners.

Yamaha Settles out of Court

Yamaha settles out of court for 6.8 Million September 3, 2003- Yamaha has settled out of court for $6.8 million following a propellor strike which left Michael Davies of Alexandria, Virginia totally paralysed.

Thirty six year old Davies who was thrown from a bass boat into the Red River in October 2000, had originally claimed $63 million.


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