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måndag 20 januari 2025


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  1. Jag har fått ett närmast identiskt svar på min annons: Hello Friend, Thanks for your response,Am ok with your price and I need you to understand that i am willing and ready to purchase it right away, put it off the AD site, consider me as your favorite buyer, and Please note that i live in England but right now am in Astor on the sea and due to my work as a marine engineer,I will not be able to come to view the boat or come for the pick up but i have a shipper/mover who handles my shipping arrangement anywhere in the world and i will make all transportation preparations for the it to be transported to my home in England. If possible can you send me some recent picture?,My shipper will be coming for the pickup, after you have received payment, which would be through PayPal,So do you have a PayPal account for the payment?. Regards Inte särskilt sannolikt att det är en seriös köpare. Vänliga hälsningar Fredrik
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