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söndag 02 mars 2025


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Om cornishspearfisher

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  1. hje hej! tak så mycket förr hjälpen! den är byggde i plywood och båten ser ute mycket som Ostermankabiner, finns der många av dom båterna? tack så mycket igen, det är så svart till hitta information om båterna ibland! ben
  2. den är en 5.95x1.85 mahogony båt men vet någon om fabriken?
  3. Önskar köpa en sweet sixteen som behövs renovering, allt av intresse!
  4. hi ! has anyone a sweet sixteen for sale which needs renovating? please email me on cornishspearfishing@hotmail.co.uk
  5. hi i have a small mahogny boat the sides are stained and and varnished and the deck is painted white, but i would like to get a hard high gloss coat to the whole boat and dont know what is best use, can i use fernissa on top of paint and varnish or is there some epoxy or somethhing else i dont know about? please help ! any advice would be great! sorry about the english but am learning swedish,....
  6. Önskar köpa en sweet sixteen som behövs renovering, allt av intresse! Senast ändrad av cornishspearfisher | 23 februari 2008 | 10:04 Senast ändrad av cornishspearfisher | 25 februari 2008 | 15:28
  7. hi is the boat still for sale? mvh ben cornishspearfishing@hotmail.com
  8. thanks inge ! i think it is a ragette ! so nice to find abit of info! have added more pictures now so check them out! thanks again!' mvh ben
  9. it is a little boat ... and thanks guys for the help ive renovayed it now and am really interested to find out were it came from, thanks again!
  10. has anyone a sweet sixteen for sale? any condition?
  11. hey again , this is driving me crazy i have searched the internet for ever and cant find out whta boat i have. any ideas? its mahogony plyood 4.2mtr long and 1.6 broad please help!!!!!!
  12. thanks for the replies! i am spending so much time renovating my boat so would like to find out the history behind it, either it being built by a handy swede! or manufactured, thanks again guys!
  13. hi sorry about writing in english as my swedish isnt so good, yet have bought a motor boat made from mahogony plywood 4.2 by 1.6 meters the engine is from 1975, would love to know what it is? ! any help or ideas? thanks alot ben
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