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Evgeny_V började följa Plattform teak, Därför ska vi införa motorbåtsskatt!, App beräkning fart och propeller och och 1 annan
I vårt land beskattas motorbåtar med en motor på mer än 10 hp. Skatten är progressiv. För en båt med en 100 hp - motor kommer skatten att vara 1500 SEK per år. För en båt med en kapacitet på 200 hp kommer att betalas 6000 SEK. Segelfartyg beskattas per enhet. Motor segelfartyg beskattas 2 gånger mer än båtar. Vatten skoter är ännu större än båtar. För 250 hp blir skatten 19 000 SEK. Bränsle beskattas också. Några år tidigare var skatterna lägre. Tydligen beror ökningen av skatter och införandet av nya på bristen på pengar i landet.
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Programvaran kommer att vara efterfrågan. Vi har de flesta båtanvändare som gör beräkningen på papper. Det finns inga program som fungerar korrekt. Jag skulle delta i översättningen till Ryska.
NSD15-12S5 https://www.chipdip.ru/product/nsd15-12s5
Jag undrar i ditt land en hel del bilägare ändra oljan själva? Eller accepterat att göra det endast i tjänsten?
We have a problem selling fake not quality oil. To avoid this problem, we try to buy oil directly from the wholesaler. My friends and I make one big order for everyone and have a good discount. We have a tradition to buy 3 barrels. For diesel cars, for petrol and for boats. It's convenient. The shelf life of the oil is 5 years. For my cars this amount of oil is enough for 5 years. It is very convenient to always have a supply of oil.
In the settings of each device you can see the number of satellites and the strength of their signal. My boat is stored in a metal-roofed eling. The metal roof greatly reduces the signal. And all available equipment almost does not see satellites. However, for one piece of equipment, this is not a big hindrance. https://www.navico-commercial.com/en-US/Products/GPS/Simrad-GS25-GPS-Antenna-en-us.aspx. GS25 good look. All equipment of the same brand, the same date of manufacture. Think, the GS25 has a more sensitive antenna than the others.
Tog tid att göra en halvcirkelformad kniv för att skära tätningsmedlet vid kanten av platsen. Jag använde ett tätningsmedel som lim.
Innan min resa började hade jag 2 dagar kvar. Jag köpte en bit teak för länge sedan, och jag ville prova hur teak hanteras. Båten har en plattform där trädet inte kommer att störa. Detta är ett bra ställe för ett experiment Jag hoppas att det här jobbet inte längre tid än jag planerat
My rate is 12-15 cups a day. To do this, I have with me always and everywhere automatic coffee machine Saeco. The same as it is at my house. She accompanies me in the trunk of the car. There are some inconveniences caused with this. You should always drain the water to make coffee on the way to stop and pour water. The coffee machine consumes 2000 watts., not all inverters can do this. I use the UPS 3000 watts., with batteries removed. Connect to any source of 12 Volts. This is the battery in the car or in the boat.
Please call the harbour for the most up-to-date information. +358 40 867 7760 www.msf.ax
In 3 kilometers from the Eastern Harbor is the city of Kalmsta. There's very warm water, sand, shallow water. We swam there with the kids all last July. East Harbor is more lively. West - quiet. I'd choose the Harbor based on my leisure plans.
There are many different simple options. https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32836226434.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.274233edNAXZTS
Often see parked boats with motor located in water. In my area it is customary to lift the motor out of the water every time to protect it from corrosion. Do you lift the motor every time you don't use the boat? If you don't lift, why?
End. All boats are repaired. It took me a little longer than I thought. Each boat took 2-3 days of quiet work. Just off for 2 months. I'm very glad I took the job. It was a great lesson for me. Of course, I made mistakes. I realized those mistakes. And every next boat was much better than the previous one. I want to move on and my next step is to make a matrix for a boat like this. But I have ideas how to make the new model better.
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