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söndag 26 januari 2025


  • Innehålls Antal

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  1. Thank you all for your kind answers. Would you mind to suggest something with these issues? 1. I have no dinghy, so anchoring on Gotska Sandon is impossible. There s no way docking on this beautiful island? 2. I need only power supply and fuel for diesel. Are those services will be closed in October? 3. For navigation I use sea-max and sea map cm93 january 2011, i am afraid that data are invalid, especially those about depth and navigational lights. Could you give me some links to the Swedish actual sea maps, and marine publications (web-shop)? UK Admirality is not always actual With regards M.
  2. Dear Fellow Sailors I am sailor from Poland. I like Baltic sea, small but exacting and beautiful. This year in October I am planning to sail around Gotland and Gotska Sandon. I shall be extremely grateful for any tips and suggestions - navigational difficulties, piloting, best strategies for cruising, pointing out non crowded marinas, and so on. With regards M.
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