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måndag 10 februari 2025


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Allt postat av exton

  1. Hej! Jag vill tipsa om mitt Ubuntu/Debian-system för Raspberry Pi 2. Det heter RaspEX. Du kan själv installera OpenCPN när du väl installerat RaspEX på microkortet. Varför använda RaspEX som operativsystem? Så här beskriver jag systemet 151027. My first version of RaspEX is from 150318 and my second from 150706. I have now upgraded the whole system. RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian Jessie (Debian 8.1), Ubuntu Wily Werewolf (Ubuntu 15.10, released 151022) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (151027) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager and added support for Adobe Flash in Chromium. I have also installed Samba and VNC4Server so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windo ws computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools. Why shall I use RaspEX? Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member on raspex.exton.se thought that running RaspEX was like running Raspberry on “steroids“. Igår (151029) har jag också färdigställt en version av RaspEX med OpenCPN 4.1.915 förinstallerat. LÄS MERA...
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